He has also taken to his activity mat that he lays in and practices tummy time. He will just stare at the animals on the sides of the mat and the best part...he switches his head from left to right, like he is really interested in what is on the other side of the mat! (He lifts his head like a big boy as he switches back and forth) I love to watch him grow!
Last night, we played our first game. I was holding him in my arms and he put his hand up toward my face. I pretended to eat it, making those silly eating noises. He would bring his hand back down to his chest, then raise it back up toward my face again! We played for about 15 minutes! This was the first time that he really interacted with one of us. I was such a proud mommy!
I have also noticed within the past week or two that he has started to grab and hang onto David and I. He does this a lot while nursing-he will hold up my shirt! but also while holding him. He will wrap his arms around the side of you and often grab onto David or my shirt and hang on-usually falling asleep. Sometimes it is hard to put him down while sleeping because he has such a tight hold!
Today we needed to eat lunch before we headed out to see a friend that just recently gave birth. We set him in his bouncy chair and put the toys on for him to "look" at. Well, another first! He started grabbing at the toys! He was fascinated by the sounds of the "jungle" and just loved to grab onto the parrot and the monkey! I had more fun watching him than eating my lunch!
I can't believe how fast this special time has gone. It seems like yesterday that David and I were heading into the hospital to meet this little one. Caden is almost 6 weeks old and we have so enjoyed watching him discover the the world around him. He is such a blessing to our lives and we are so excited to see what the future has in store for this little angel of ours!
Caden chatting with his animal friends while practicing "Tummy Time"
Discoveringg the toys on his bouncy chair
Tired after a long day of discovery! Holding onto Daddy as he takes a well deserved snooze!
Oh my goodness, that last picture!!!!!!! He is so scrumptious (the baby, that is!)!